
at ease 与 with ease 的用法区别?

at ease 与 with ease 的用法区别?

at ease,with ease 这两个介词短语的词义范围和使用场合并不相同。at ease的意思是“安逸地”、“安心地”、“自在地”(feeling confident or relaxed),其反义短语为ill at ease;with ease的意思是“轻松地”、“容易地”(easily or without difficulty)。 就使用场合而言,at ease即可作表语,亦可作状语;with ease 只能用作状语。例: The old couple are now quite at ease as their son is out of danger. 这一对老夫帆迹妻现在可安心了,因为他们的儿子已经脱离危险。 With good social security,the aged can live at ease. 有好的社会保障,老年人都过得很余并安逸。 Her promise of support set my mind at ease. 她答应支持我,就使我放心了。 I don't know why he is ill at ease. 我不知道为什么他心神不宁。 They fulfilled the task with ease. 他们轻松地完成了任务。 Our football team gained the day with ease. 我们的足球队很轻松地就赢了这场球。 Every day we marched twenty miles with ease. 每天我们毫不费力地行进二十英里。 注:stand at ease是军事术语,义“稍息”;take one's ease是“休息”或“无拘无束”。例: The soldiers are standing at ease now. 士兵们现在在立正稍息。 We are now taking our ease. 我们现在是优哉游哉。 Please sit and take your ease while enjoying a cup of coffee. 请坐下来舒舒服服地喝杯咖啡。 With ease 是“容易地”、“不费力地”的意思,用作状语。例如:He writes with ease. 他笔墨流畅。He can jump over the wall with ease. 他能轻而易举地越过这墙。At ease 可以用作表语,也可以用作状语,是“心安的”、竖轿迹“自在的”、“舒适的”的意思。例如:He is at ease about the matter. 他对这事心安理得。He is at ease in speaking English. 他说英语说得很流畅。He lives at ease. 他生活舒适。Put (set) …… at ease 是“使……心安”的意思。例如:We put Mary at her ease during hte thunderstorm by reading her stories. 在雷雨时,我们读故事给玛丽听,以使她宽心。答案修改了