


1.这是我的书包 This is my schoolbag. 2.这是你的书包吗? Is this your schoolbag? 3.是的,它裂敏是他猜皮的书包. Yes,it’s his schoolbag. 4.不,它是他的书包 No,it’s his schoolbag. 5.那不是你的字典. That isn’t your dictionary. 6.那是她的卷笔刀吗? Is that her pencil sharpener? 7.不,它不是,它是我的卷笔刀. No,it isn’t.It’s my pencil sharpener. 8.这个用英语怎么说? What’s this in English? 9.它是一块橡皮 It’s an eraser. 10.你怎么拼写它穗源差? How do you spell it? 11.(拼写橡皮) E-R-A-S-E-R 12.我的名字是吉娜.格林 My name is Gina Green. 13.你的名字是汤姆,你是一个男孩. Your name is Tom,and you are a boy. 14.这支钢笔是什么颜色的?它是黑色的 What color is this pen?It’s black. 15.你的爸爸身体好吗? How is your father? 16.他很好, He is fine,thanks.