


here is a summary of what I know about my health condition个人健康状况概述background 病史(不要一看到background 就翻译为“背景”!)as a very young baby i had a blockage of my pyloric valve. i couldn'teat or digestfood. major surgery at two months old. May have leftsome internal scarring.我很小的时候就患了幽门瓣团槐笑阻塞症,无法进食,也无法消化。动了次大手术两个月后里面疼,可能是手术导致的内伤。i have had a difficult and stressful life, and have kept a lot ofstress and unhappiness in my body in order to be able to function wellin the world. as a result i have some stress-related health problems.日子很难熬,为了好明饥生活着,我克服了很多困难,需要摆脱很多压力,一度有些抑郁。i have in the past been diagnosed with colitis, iirritable bowelsyndrome, and gluten intolderance. all these things combine to giveme chronic intestinal trouble. at a certain point in my life i alsowas a heavy drinker (no longer) and that did some damage.后来,我被诊断患有结肠炎、肠易激综合症和麸质过敏症。这些疾病很折磨肠道。我以前还酗过酒(现在戒了),那对肠道也有伤害。now at 63 i have a damaged gut and wonder if anything can be done to help me 我今年63,肠子毁了,我想知道还有救么?塌含