


decide de.cide[dI`saId; diˋsaid]《源自拉丁文“切开”的意思》及物动词1 决心【同义字】decide 仔细考虑后的决定resolve 决意做到底determine 坚决地决定a. <人>决心<做…>,决意He ~d to postpone his departure.他决心延后出发b. <人>决定<做…>,决意He ~d that he'd postpone his departure.他决心要延后出发2 决定a. 决定<…事>It has been ~d that the conference shall be held next month.该会议决定于下个月举行b. 决定He has ~d when he will go [what he will do].他已决定什么时候去 [要做什么]She could not ~ which way to go.她无法决定该走哪一条路3 解决a. <人>解决 <争论、问题等> ; <推事> 判决<案件>It is for you to ~ the question. = The question is for you to ~.这个问题应由你来解决The judge ~d the case.法官对该案件作出了判决b. [对…有利地] 解决,判决 [for,in favor of] ; [对…不利地] 解决,判决[against]The judge ~d the case in favor of [against] the plaintiff.法官作了有利[不利]于原告的判决c. <事情>决定,使…终结[结束]The battle ~d the war.那一场战斗决定了战争 (的胜败)His home run ~d the game.他的央刨打使比赛结束 [决定了这场比赛的胜负]4 a. <事情> (终于) 使<人>决心<去做…>What finally ~d him to resign?.什么事终于使他决心辞职?b. <事情> (终于) 使<人陵春>决心That has ~d me.那使我下了决心c. <事情> (终于) 使<人>决心 [不做…] [against]What ~d him against supporting you?.什么事使他决心不支持你?不及尺岩耐物动词1 a. 决心,决定I haven't ~d yet.我还没有决定b. 决定[…事][on]; 决定[between]; 决定[关于…][about]Finally she ~d on the yellow dress instead of the green one.最后她决定穿黄色衣服而不穿绿色衣服I've ~d on buying a new car.我已决定要买一部新车We ~d against a holiday in Hawaii.我们决定枣档不去夏威夷度假He ~d against helping her.他决定不帮助她It is difficult to ~ between the two opinions.在这两种意见之间抉择是困难的He hasn't ~d about the date of the wedding.他还没有决定婚期2 [作有利于…的] 判决 [for,in favor of] ; [作不利于…的] 判决[against]The judge ~d against [for, in favor of] the defendant.法官作了不利[有利]于被告的判决