DDB abbr. 分布式数据库(distributed data base)专业:计算机科学技术|电子友液氏、通信与自动控制技术|地球科学分布式数据库(Distributed Type Data Base)文件资料库装置资料块 (device data block)装置描述符块 (device descriptor block)数位资料缓冲 (digital data buffer)1.Enter Carmichael Lynch, part of the Interpublic Group of Companies, which wasunexpectedly hired last October to replace DDB, an Omnicom Group agency. 去年十月斯巴鲁出人好散意料地雇佣了卡米高林奇 (一个国际公众广告公司的一部分)以取代美国奥姆尼康的DDB.2.DDB is the result of combination of distributed technology and traditional database, which reflects the definite tendency of the database system from centralization todecentralization. 分布式数据库是分布式技术和传统数据库相结合的产物,反映出数据库系统从集中化向非集中化发展的必然趋势。3.He worked as a copywriter for Volkswagen in DDB Barcelona in 1992, where helearned to respect Bernbach and the power of a good headline. 1992年,他成为了DDB巴塞罗那公司埋羡的文案,为大众汽车服务。在那里他学会了尊重大师伯恩巴克,并明白了一条好标题的威力。
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