



#驻美国大使秦刚抵美履新# #新任驻美大使秦刚首次发推#

新任中国驻美大使秦刚发布履新后第一条推文,称“Arrived in USA. Looking forward to the coming time in the country”。意思是,“已经到达美国,期待在这个国家接下来的时光”。


中国新任驻美大使秦刚今晨抵达纽约,并开通了自己的个人社交媒体帐号!秦刚大使的第一条推文是:Arrived in USA. Looking forward to the coming time in the country.

“Arrived in USA. ”,抵达美国。突出了秦刚一向的外交语言风格,简练果断。这是否预示着在将来的中美两国外交方面,秦刚大使的外交风格呢?


Don’t get out of your car if you get pulled over by police.

I was pulled over by a police officer while driving in Iowa. It was one week after I had arrived in the USA for the first time. I had accidentally made a minor mistake disobeying a traffic sign. Back home in Australia it’s considered polite to get out of your car and walk over to the police officer’s car and hand him your license* so he doesn’t have to get out of his seat. I wanted to be extra polite so I immediately jumped out of my car and walked towards his car while reaching into my back pocket.

I’m lucky to be alive.

If you come from a gun-free country like the UK or Australia you don’t have any natural instinct for gun culture. You don’t realize that police assume that everyone is armed.

Things got immediately serious. The police officer’s hand went to his weapon and I responded by dropping to my knees with my hands up. He yelled a bunch of things at me but my memory is vague because my heartbeat was suddenly pulsing in my ears blotting out all sound. I don’t know if he drew his weapon or not. I was staring intently at the ground, shaking and trying to project non-threatening vibes. My next memory is that there were three police cars around me and a bunch of cops who’d been called for backup. They were all keeping their hands close to their guns. After some time passed (a minute? 30 minutes? I have no idea) the tensions de-escalated and they told me to get up. I gave the officer my license and tried to explain why I’d approached him. It was completely incomprehensible to him that there was a place where people don’t fear cops and vice versa at traffic stops. It was as though I was trying to tell him that I came from Narnia and our cops were all talking animals.

I’ve spoken to several British people, New Zealanders, and Australians who have shared almost identical stories. They really need to put signs up in all major US airports.

Don’t get out of your car if stopped by police.

##冰雪2022# #冰雪最前线# 肖恩怀特 泪洒赛场 传奇谢幕

Comments from three-time Olympic championShaun WHITE(USA)after finishing fourth in the final of the men’s halfpipe and ending his career at Genting Snow Park on Friday.


On his career's final competition:

“This is it for me. I'm so thankful to be here and so proud ofAyumu (HIRANO,JPNwho won gold)andScotty (JAMES,AUSwho claimed silver)andJan (SCHERRER,SUIwho took bronze), incredible riders.

"I feel it for Scotty, I know he's happy with second but I know he wanted gold and to watch Ayumu just crush it, that was the run of a lifetime for him and to nail it, I'm so proud for him.

"I wish I could have landed my last run, but I was having some difficulty in my back leg for some reason, it was giving out on every run, I don't know why.

"Maybe it was the pressure, maybe it was just exhaustion.

"Really challenging, but that's OK, that's it, I'm done. I'm so thankful for my career, thankful to China for having us.

"It's been a journey, I'm just so happy, and thank you all from the bottom of my heart (cries).

"A lot of emotions are hitting me right now, the cheering from the crowd, some kind words from my fellow competitors at the bottom, I'm so happy (cries).

"Snowboarding, thank you. It's been the love of my life.

"It's been a journey. I can't wait to see where this sport goes.

中国与美国的出生率 Birth Rates in China and the USA

The line graph reveals the surprising similarities between the Chinese and US birth rates during the period from 1920 to 2000. It's evident that both countries witnessed the considerable fluctuations in fertility, with lows during the 1940s and highs during the 1950s.

Increasing from appropriately 10 percent in 1920 to 13 percent in 1935, China's birth rate then plunged to 5 percent in the 1940s. This was followed by a sharp growth, with fertility in this country reaching a peak of 20 percent in 1950. The latter half of this century, however, saw a decline to less than 10 percent, with a low of 2 percent in 1980.

The US birth rate, meanwhile, fluctuated somewhere between 11 percent to 13 percent prior to 1940, before dropping sharply to less than 5 percent in 1945. The following five years saw a rapid increase in this rate, to around 15 percent, then followed by a steady fall.

It's interesting to note that while the Chinese and US birth rates were comparable before 1950, the gap between the two widened after this time as fertility in China slid away.

#微头条名师团# #英语正强老师# #教育#


Full Sail is a world-renowned audio, film, multimedia, gaming and computer animation school located in Orlando, Florida, USA.


Are you prepared to bind yourself to the mast like Odysseus and sail to the brink of destruction, just for one chance to hear the Sirens sing?


One Sunday afternoon some time after this they were sailing the summer seas in their dream yacht, and reclining in lazy luxury under the awning of the after-deck.


But after 20th century, many advanced technologies such as Webservice, GRID appeared. This digital library research topic could go ahead based on these new technologies.


Go boating – The idea of sailing on a first date seems like a recipe for disaster but something milder, like canoeing, row boating, or taking a paddle boat out on a sunny afternoon would work well.

还原短文 [what] 塑料垃圾的归宿

We have found plastic in the ocean and in animals like birds, fishes and whales. But for the first time, scientists have found plastic in human poop (粪便), reports USA Today.

The findings come from a pilot study (初步研究) by scientists from Environment Agency Austria (EAA). The researchers followed eight healthy volunteers from different parts of the world. The volunteers wrote down what they ate for a week, then provided samples of their poop for testing.

1. __________ An average of 20 small plastic particles (颗粒) were found in every 10 grams of poop. The particles were 50-500 micrometers (微米) in size.

“The smallest plastic particles are able to enter the bloodstream, the lymphatic system (淋巴系统), and may even reach the liver (肝脏),” Philipp Schwabl, who took part in the research, said to The Guardian.

2. __________ They’re not sure how the plastic got in the volunteers’ bodies, either. But most of the volunteers said they drank from plastic bottles and also ate seafood that could inclusion.

3. __________ According to National Geographic, an average of 8 million tons of plastic waste go into the oceans each year. There, sunlight and waves break the plastic down to the size of rice grains. Most of these particles stay in the ocean. Others can spread into the soil and air.

4. __________Previous studies may also give us a clue (线索).

5. __________ Even some tap water has been found to have tiny plastic particles in it.


A. However, the scientists aren’t sure if this plastic is harmful to humans.

B. How could people avoid eating plastic?

C. They reported nine different types of plastic in the samples.

D. Could plastic in the air fall onto food and get into the human body?

E. In fact, plastic is everywhere around us.

F. It is tested that plastic particles aren’t harmful to human bodies.

G. USA Today says that 90 percent of sea salt sold globally contains plastic.

Do you like McDonald's? And what is your favorite food in McDonald's?


We all know that McDonald's is one of the biggest restaurant chains in the world. It has restaurants in more than 100 countries.


The story of McDonald's started in the 1930s in Los Angeles, USA. Two brothers wanted to start a business. First, they tried opening a movie theater, but it didn't work out. Next, they set up a food stand to sell hamburgers and orange juice. Although the food stand was successful, the brothers wanted something bigger.


At that time, more and more people were driving cars. So the brothers decided to open a restaurant for drivers. So the restaurant wascalledMcDonald's Barbeque. Its workers brought food like sandwiches to people who would wait in their cars.


Soon after opening McDonald's Barbeque, the McDonald brothers had to face competition from many similar restaurants nearby. They needed to think about how to make their own restaurant different.


The answer was to serve food faster and more cheaply. They also gave their restaurant a new name McDonald’s. That made their restaurant popular.


Soon, other people wanted to copy their business plan. The brothers sold franchises to open more restaurants. Later, they had big plans and wanted to open as many McDonald's as possible across the country. With a lot of hard work, they gradually turn McDonald’s into a world famous restaurant chain.


#2021生机大会# #2021加油带头人# #微头条日签# #今日头条#

What's the degree of involution current environment?

A young couple are hard working and strength of work over 12 hours every day .

They spent plenty of time on work.

But relevant income could not afford a new house.

They didn't dare to have illness and did not dare to hospital.

Plenty of single population and the fertility decline in a row year by year in China.

We were diligent but the index of happiness was worse.

Who designed all of this ?

The COVID-19 just was controlled. Why does government suddenly Large-scale restrict on enterprise production?

What did USA do behind the curtain?

What's the necessary connection between all of this?

I always consider that how to be an elite in a profession or skilled in a technology.

We don't have a best way to accomplish it.

My ideas as below.

If you want to pick up English.

Then you need to get a place which has a lot of pure English users and people who come from USA or England.

It will be less than two years, we use English every day and we will start to hate English.

Skills need a high intensity practice and repeat for a long time.

Depending your hobbies and self discipline is not reality.

If we want to learn by yourself. We need a high intensity practice and right feedback environment which could help us to correct our mistakes continually.

If you want to be a person who excel in a specific technology

You can have a next job with relevant technology.

After this, keeping it up in this profession for at least 2 years will makes you perfect in this technology.

My goal of learning English is improving my professional development and enhance imcome.

Do you have some plans or ideas in current situation or future?

Share with me , thanks.
