哎呀,终于看到人问了,好听的很吧。哈哈The National- Exile Vilify试听:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjkwMTU2Nzgw.html下载:雹耐http://cgi.music.soso.com/fcgi-bin/m.q?w=The+National-+Exile+Vilify&source=1&t=0歌答桐词:It takes your mind againExileIt takes your mind againYou've got suckers' luckHave you given up?Does it feel like a trial?Does it trouble your mind the way you trouble mine?ExileIt takes your mind againExileIt takes your mind againOh, you meant so muchHave you given up?Does it feel like a trial?Does it trouble your mind the way you trouble mine?Does it feel like a trial?Now you're thinking too fast You're like marbles on glassVilifyDon't even tryVilifyDon't even tryYou've got suckers'清肆坦 luckHave you given up?Does it feel like a trial?Does it trouble your mind the way you trouble mine?Does it feel like a trial?Did you fall for the same empty answers again?VilifyDon't even tryVilifyDon't even tryVilify...
boyfriend hello baby第一集中的一首舒缓插曲,应该是他们自己的歌,很好听
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