


1、 brush up what I have learned everyday. 我每天重温所学的知识。

2I'll have to brush up on my French if Jean-Luc is coming to stay. 如果旅念蔽记吕克来小住的话,我得重温一下我的法语。


3、I must brush up on my Spanish before I go to Seville. 我去塞维利亚之前一定得好好温习高蠢我的西班牙语。

4、I had hoped to brush up my Spanish 我曾打算好好温习一下我的西班牙语。

5、I really need to brush up on my french. 我确实需要提高我的法语水平。

6、I would like to brush up my zoology. 我想重新温习一下动物学。


7、I hadn't thought that we would brush up against so much opposition in this town. 我未曾拆州想到在这个镇上会遇到这么多反对。

8、Jack can't go with you because he needs to brush up on his notes. 杰克不能同你一块儿去,因为他需要温习笔记。

9、What he needed was to wash and brush himself up. 他需要洗一洗,把自己打扮整洁。