


useless英['ju:slis] 美前毁['ju:slis] a. 1.无用的,无价值的,无效的 2.差劲的,不怎么样的,不行的,不擅长的 a. 1.无用的,无价值的,无效的 2.差劲的,不怎么样的,不行的,不擅长的袭毕 名 词:use'lessness副 词:use'lessly点击查看……同反义词反: [a.] useful, utile 点击查看……参考例句The lack of humus and the excessive leaching make this soil almost useless for agricultural purpose. 缺少腐殖质和过度淋滤使这种土壤对农业几乎无用。收藏The machine was rendered useless by unskillful handling. 由于操作不熟练,机器给弄得没有用了。收藏The worthless books in a library (The poor paintings in a picture gallery / The useless objects in a museum) should be weeded out. 图书馆中无价值的书(绘画室中拙劣的画;博物馆中无用的东西)应该淘汰出去。收藏This furniture is so old and useless that you might as well chop it up for firewood 这家具太旧了,慧禅备不能用了,还不如把它砍了当柴烧吧。收藏and there pour forth jejune words and useless empty phrases(bAnthony Trollope) 空洞无用的言辞不断涌出(b安东尼·特罗洛普)收藏    more...点击查看……英英解释形容词解释:having no beneficial use or incapable of functioning usefullya kitchen full of useless gadgetsshe is useless in an emergency[反] useful, utile点击查看……点击查看……