选人时 巨魔时间到啦! Time to troll! 攻击时 砸个粉碎! Smashing! 我会让他见识一下寒霜之咬。 I'll show them frostbite. 这只会让你觉得很受伤...而已。 This will only hurt... a lot! 来吧,来和我玩吧。 C'mon, entertain me. 遇到我算他们倒霉。 They crossed the wrong troll. 今晚,我觉得很想吃东西。 Tonight, I'm feeling greedy. 在敲东西时,次数一定不要太多。 You can never bash something too many times. 我要把他们敲到死。 I'm gonna knock 'em dead. 没有人能侵入我的镇子。 Nobody trespasses in my town. 他们正在破坏我的好心情! They're ruining my good mood! 喂!我打碎了什么吗? Woops! Did I break something? 移动时 我是有计划的巨魔。 I'm the troll with the plan. 是时候开始冰河世界了。困李悉 Time to start an ice age. 我在吃人的时候喜欢放点调料。 I like my human with a bit of spice. 弗雷尔卓德是我的! The Freljord is mine! 我是巨魔法官,巨魔陪审团,也是巨魔..刽子手! I'm troll judge, troll jury, and execu... troll! 巨魔之王,正在来临。 King of trolls, coming through. 我不丑,但他们快要变丑啦! I'm not ugly, but they're about to be! 噢哈哈,他们好像很生气! Ohoho, they look angry! 不是巨魔酋长,是巨魔国王,国王! Not troll chief, troll king. King! 巨魔们就要打仗啦! The trolls are going to war! 开玩笑时 巨魔不是骑着迅猛龙才像话吗? Have you seen this thing? Like really close. 棒子最大的巨魔就是国王。这就是规矩! Troll with the biggest club gets to be king. That's the rule! 没事的,扰模我可爱的棒子,我们很快就可以大砸特砸了。 It's alright Clubbems, we'll get to smashing soon. 嘲讽时 我准备敲碎你的梦想,他们在你头骨里,对吗? I'm gonna crush your dreams... They're in your skull, right? 你对我有意见吗?那就吃我一棒吧! You got a problem with me? Join the club! 如果你想我打的轻一点,那就死的快一点! If you want me to hit you less, die sooner! 嘲讽德玛西亚之力时 巨魔西亚! Trollmacia! 嘲讽冰霜女巫时 过来,小公主。 C'mere, princess. 嘲讽雷霆咆哮时 爱发牢骚的熊崽子! Whiny cub! 嘲讽寒冰射手时 跑吧,艾希! Run, Ashe! 嘲讽曙光女神时 哈哈哈。日光?真的吗? Hahaha. Sunlight? Really? 嘲讽凛冬之怒时 尖叫吧! Squeal! 嘲讽敌对巨魔汪乎之王时 这家伙以为他是谁? Who does this guy think he is? 使用W技能时 这里是巨魔镇! This is troll town! 现在,你在我的王国里! You're in MY kingdom now! 使用R技能时 缩退! Shrivel! 鞠躬! Bow down! 差劲! Pathetic! 死亡时 可我是...巨魔之王... But I... Troll king.
LOL FPS多少可以算流畅啊?
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