
ADHD 是什么意思?

ADHD 是什么意思?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (sometimes referred to as ADD when only inattentiveness and distractibility are problematic[citation needed]) is a disorder, largely or entirely neurological in nature,[1] characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity[2] initially appearing in childhood which manifests itself with symptoms such as hyperactivity, forgetfulness, poor impulse control, and distractibility.[3] ADHD is currently considered to be a persistent and chronic syndrome for which no medical cure is available.Within society, there is disagreement if a diagnosis denotes a genuine impairment/disability or simply serves as a label for different but normal behaviour.[citation needed] Some believe that the disorder does not exist or that it need not be treated.According to a majority of medical research in the United States, as well as other countries, ADHD is today generally regarded to be a non-curable psychiatric disorder for which, however, a wide range of effective treatments are available. A wide body of evidence has shown that stimulant medication is the most effective way to treat the disorder.[4][5] Methods of treatment usually involve some combination of medication, psychotherapy, and other techniques. Some patients are able to control their symptoms over time, without the use of medication.ADHD is most commonly diagnosed in children and, over the past decade, has been increasingly diagnosed in adults. It is believed that around 60% of children diagnosed with ADHD retain the disorder as adults.[6]注意力不足过动症(Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder,简称ADHD)是一种在儿童期很常见的精神失调。根据世界卫生组织的《世迅凳界通用疾病分亩歼旅类手册》第十版(ICD-10,WHO,1992)称此症为“过度活跃症”(Hyperkinetic Disorder),分类编号为F90,一般又俗称为“过动儿”。由于改衫对这种病症的认识增加,最近大家才发现这种病症同样在成年人身上出现。现时没有任何确切证据证实任何导致这种病症的原因,但过去曾经推测味精可能是一种诱因。但随著医学界发现成人亦患有这种病以后,这种说法站不住脚。根据美国疾病控制及防御中心(CDC)的研究,ADHD其实只是多种精神失调的合称。因此,要正确疹断这一病症,不能依靠单一测试去确定,而必须同时采用多种测试配合去确认。对ADHD比较确切的定义,记载于美国精神医学会(APA)出版的《精神疾病诊断与统计手册》第四版文本修改版(DSM-IV-TR,APA,2000年)。ADHD的主要病征是:注意力散涣 (inattentive) 或 集中困难 (Attention-deficit) 活动量过多 (hyperactive 或 hyperkinetic) 自制力弱 (impulsive) 而基于以上三种病征出现的优势,再把ADHD细分为以下三个分类:注意力散涣主导型 (mainly inattentive) 活动量过多或自制力弱主导型(mainly hyperactive-impulsive) 混合型 (combination) 根据最近的研究发现,ADHD是由一种发生于脑前额叶的遗传性的多巴胺新陈代谢失常引致。最新的研究认为正肾上腺素 (norepinephrine)的新陈代谢亦会对病情有所影响。(参看Krause et al,2000)但由于这些最新研究都有药厂在背后资助,其中立性尚有待确认。更多资料:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B3%A8%E6%84%8F%E5%8A%9B%E4%B8%8D%E8%B6%B3%E9%81%8E%E5%8B%95%E7%97%87