苹果macbook在冲烂线保修查询可以直接用这个地址,不需要注册https://selfsolve.apple.com/GetWarranty.do输入你的序列号和购买国家闹枯以后散弯漏,就可以查到这样的信息Our records indicate that your product is covered under Apple's Limited Warranty which is estimated to expire on 21 July 2010. Your product is eligible for complimentary phone support which is estimated to expire on 19 October 2009.If you believe that this information is inaccurate, learn how to update your coverage status. Please put your sales receipt in a safe place. You will need it for warranty validation.Extend your service and support coverage for your product with the AppleCare Protection Plan. If you have already purchased an AppleCare Protection Plan, make sure you have registered it.
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