Andrew Sean Greer, American novelist Billy Greer, bassist Bonnie Greer, American playwright and critic Breaux Greer, American javelin thrower Charlie Greer, American radio personality Dabbs Greer, American actor David Greer, British physicist and programmer David Hummell Greer, Episcopal Bishop of New York George Greer, American judge (of the Terri Schiavo case) Germaine Greer, feminist writer, activist and academic Gordon Greer, Scottish footballer Hal Greer, American basketball player Herschel Lynn Greer, American businessman from Nashville, Tennessee Jabari Greer, American football player James A. Greer, American naval officer Jane Greer, American actress Jim and Emily Greer, co-creators of Kongregate Judy Greer, American actress Ken Greer, Canadian musician Mary K. Greer, writer Miyu Greer, fictional character in My-HiME Robin Greer, American actress Rusty Greer, baseball player Sonny Greer, American jazz drummer Steven M. Greer, physician and ufologist Stuart Greer, American actor William Greer, American presidential bodyguard 以上是一些姓Greer的名人意义不清楚诶...
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