


不. 她应该量体温Should I put some medicine on it;t. 他应该看牙医和拍X光What should she do;No./No?Yes;t;l don',你需要/. 他伤到了他自己 她应该怎么样She should take her temperature?He hurt himself,不是的/What' 你发烧了么,他后背痛He should lie down and rest;t eat somuch next time 下一次你不能吃那么多了What'. 他应该躺下休息Do you have a fever, I do;t know. 是的. 是的/不;s the matter with Ben;s the matter. 是的. 我得了胃病You shouldn', you should 我应该撒上一些药在伤口上么, you shouldn'?Yes,他有He should see a dentist and get an X-ray 他有牙病么, I don'./ Ben有什么问题么,我不知道Does he have a toothache, he does. He has a sore back./ 你有什么问题么?I have a stomachache;不?Yes